Memory Wall
The amount of data is increasing explosively, and this pace is further accelerating with the advancement of artificial intelligence technology.
Hyperscale data centers are facing 'Memory Wall' issue, which is the limitation in increasing bandwidth and memory capacity, key elements in data processing.
XCENA innovatively addresses
the 'Memory Wall' issue with
its proprietary architecture
specialized in data processing.
Memory Wall
The amount of data is increasing explosively, and this pace is further accelerating with the advancement of artificial intelligence technology.
Hyperscale data centers are facing 'Memory Wall' issue, which is the limitation in increasing bandwidth and memory capacity, key elements in data processing.
XCENA innovatively addresses the 'Memory Wall' issue
with our proprietary architecture specialized in data processing.
MetisX has officially changed its corporate name to XCENA as part of a strategic rebranding effort.
MetisX Rebrands as XCENA, Reflecting a Bold Vision for the Future of Computing ArchitectureMetisX has officially changed its corporate name to XCENA as part of a strategic rebranding effort.
시스템 반도체 전문 기업 엑시나(옛 메티스엑스)는 Korea VC Awards 2024에서 올해의 투자기업으로 선정됐다고 5일 밝혔다.
엑시나, 'Korea VC Awards 2024' 올해의 투자기업 선정시스템 반도체 전문 기업 엑시나(옛 메티스엑스)는 Korea VC Awards 2024에서 올해의 투자기업으로 선정됐다고 5일 밝혔다.
인공지능(AI) 반도체 기업 엑시나(XCENA, 옛 메티스엑스)가 올해 기업가치를 크게 증가시킨 기업 중 유의미한 성과를 낸 스타트업으로 주목 받았다.
CXL 메모리 반도체 '엑시나', AI 향한 투심 사로잡았다인공지능(AI) 반도체 기업 엑시나(XCENA, 옛 메티스엑스)가 올해 기업가치를 크게 증가시킨 기업 중 유의미한 성과를 낸 스타트업으로 주목 받았다.
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Company Registration Number : 710-81-02837
Address : 20, Pangyoyeok-ro 241beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
CEO : Jin Kim
© 2024 XCENA Inc. | All Rights Reserved
CEO : Jin Kim
Company Registration Number : 710-81-02837
Address : 20, Pangyoyeok-ro 241beon-gil, Bundang-gu,
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
© 2025 XCENA Inc. | All Rights Reserved